License request day: Delinquent Girl Detective

cover1When writing this week’s Flipped, I surfed around for some information about Crown co-creator Shinji Wada, not being familiar with his body of work. I almost immediately discovered that Wada had given the world something called Delinquent Girl Detective (or Sukeban Deka), and I knew that this week’s license request was all but written.

“The series follows a delinquent schoolgirl who is taken in by the government and forced to fight crime to redeem herself,” claims Wikipedia. “She is given the codename ‘Saki Asamiya’ and a metal yo-yo that doubled as a badge and made to infiltrate high schools around Japan to investigate and stop the criminal activities.”

cover2Clearly, awesome as Delinquent Girl Detective is as a title, it is merely a whisper of a hint of the absorbing lunacy of the series itself. Mentioning Sukeban Deka on Twitter led to a flurry of love for our yo-yo wielding gang girl gone undercover, most notably from Erica Friedman. Here’s her review of one of the live-action movies based on the franchise, which includes an overview of its multimedia history:

Sukeban Deka began life as a manga, which was then made into an anime OAV and, in the 80’s, a popular three-season live-action TV show, all of which I have reviewed previously. For the basic plotline, general Yuri-ness and links to manga and anime on Amazon JP and Amazon respectively, click the link to the past review.”

cover3You should obviously click through to that previous review, if only for this faultlessly persuasive opening gambit:

“But what, you ask, if I like shoujo manga, but I also like sex and guns and violence, and sex? Well, obviously, I wouldn’t have brought this up without an answer, would I?”

If I were a weaker person, I’d quote Jerry Maguire, but that’s a dated reference. I also haven’t seen the movie and hope never to do so. I could make even more dated references to 21 Jump Street, The Mod Squad, and juvie movies starring Linda Blair, but they really aren’t necessary, are they?

cover4Sukeban Deka was originally serialized in Hakusensha’s Hana to Yume magazine, then collected in 22 volumes, then re-published in 12 volumes. I can’t seem to find any information at Hakusensha’s web site, but here’s a starter link from Amazon Japan. (UPDATE: Sean notes in the comments that the book moved from Hakusensha to Media Factory.)

Now, many of you are probably saying to yourselves, “Oh, yeah… a vintage, 22-volume shôjo series… I’m sure publishers will get right on that.” You’re probably right, but I must remind you that any commercially viable series that appear in these posts do so by pure coincidence. If I want to ask for dated, bat-shit crazy gang-girl drama, I will ask for it.

(Is there something you want to ask for from the manga gatekeepers? Drop me a line if you’d like to do a guest post.)

8 Responses to License request day: Delinquent Girl Detective

  1. Sean says:

    It was originally Hakusensha’s, but sometime much later on they had a falling out with Wada, and his stuff is now owned by Media Factory.

    So oddly, Dr. Master may be the ones you need to talk to to get this licensed, as they license a lot of MF stuff. 🙂

    You can see Vol. 1 here:

  2. davidpwelsh says:

    Oh, awesome, thanks! I was wondering why I couldn’t find it on the Hakusensha site.

  3. […] David Welsh has another license request, and it sounds tempting: Delinquent Girl Detective. […]

  4. This sounds so awesome I can hardly stand it! I hope someone has the good sense to license it.

  5. Serdar says:

    Can I get a “hell, yes”? I dug up the manga after the OAV came Stateside, wound up buying the whole thing, and the plot arcs that unfold later in the series go straight through the roof. A relic of an earlier era, when shojo manga could contain everything from bare-knuckle fights to eyes getting burned out with red-hot pokers.

  6. davidpwelsh says:

    “eyes getting burned out with red-hot pokers.”

    You just made me want it EVEN MORE. What does that say about me?

  7. Franzeska says:

    Someone ought to pick up Wada’s Alisa with Silver Hair. It’s a 200-page oneshot with similar themes and absolutely hilarious 70s fashion. It’s, if possible, even more over the top than this one. 200 pages, coherent plot, lots of action, classic 70s cheese–come on publishers: you know it would be a great way to test the waters.

  8. James says:

    ooH Cool.Thanks for sharing this with us!