The French sélection

November 19, 2010

For a change of pace, I thought I’d look to Europe for this week’s license requests, scanning through the various Sélection of the Festival International de la Bande Dessinnee for some appealing-sounding graphic novels.

I like a good period mystery as much as the next person, so I find myself drawn to Les derniers jours d’Ellis Cutting, by Thomas Vielle. Set at the end of the 19th century, it’s about a crook on the run from the Pinkerton Agency who tries to hide out in a gold mining camp. It was published by Gallimard Jeunesse.

I’d like to read Trois Christs mostly because one of the creators involved is Fabrice (Journal) Neaud. The other two are Valérie Mangin and Denis Bajram. The book contains three concurrent stories happening during an Easter celebration in the 1300s. It was published by Soleil.

Sometimes it only takes a look at the cover, and I’m very taken with the style indicated on Cadavre Exquis by Pénélope Bagieu, even though I suspect vampires might be involved. It’s about a lonely young woman who becomes fascinated with an author who never leaves his home.