Upcoming 12/29/2010

I’m still decompressing upon reentry to normal world as opposed to holiday sparkle world, and, to be honest, looking at this week’s ComicList is roughly akin to trying to read something written in ancient possum. My brain just isn’t there yet. I’ll rely instead on two trustworthy souls, and take their recommendation to seek out a copy of The Secret Notes of Lady Kanako (Tokyopop), written and illustrated by Ririko Tsujita. I’ve been excited about this since Melinda (Manga Bookshelf) Beasi discussed it with Michelle Smith in a recent Off the Shelf column. And Sean (A Case Suitable for Treatment) Gaffney points out that it’s from Hakusensha’s LaLa DX, which is a fine font of manga even by Hakusensha’s generally excellent standards.

I’m coherent enough to enjoy the writing of other bloggers, even if I can’t yet conjure the mental acuity to formulate a shopping list. First up are the new inductees to Kate (The Manga Critic) Dacey’s Manga Hall of Shame. And, as usual, there’s a lot of overlap between my favorites and the Best Manga of 2010 list at Manga Worth Reading.

2 Responses to Upcoming 12/29/2010

  1. […] David Welsh, Brad Rice, and Johanna Draper Carlson take a look at this week’s new releases, and Johanna also posts her list of the best manga of 2010. […]

  2. Rae Morse says:

    …A blog for Sean Gaffney to review manga anime cartoons and occasional to ramble on about diverse and sundry notions. Released in North America by Viz.The first thing I would like to note is that the mangaka who can wring emotion from the art on the page is rare. Credit to Viz for just going with them as best they could. And yes Adachi breaks the fourth wall a couple more times though at least he isnt advertising his old manga anymore.But theres also some incredible emotion here all the more amazing by what ISNT revealed.